The GEO Environment, Health & Safety Organization

GEO believes that the Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) operation of the company is a line management responsibility with participation and valuable input from every employee involved with manufacturing operations and product distribution.
The Chief Environmental & Safety Officer is responsible to report EH&S performance and activities directly to the GEO Board of Directors on a periodic basis. Additionally, this position acts as chairman of the GEO EH&S board which includes each divisional VP & General Manager, the Director of Corporate Environmental & PSM and the Corporate Director of Safety.

At GEO’s 22 operational locations throughout North America and Great Britain, onsite environmental and safety managers report directly to divisional management. Each also has a reporting responsibility to corporate directors who head up environmental and safety teams. The corporate environmental and safety teams include individuals at GEO sites and function to enforce EH&S policies and standards, coordinate improvement goals, monitor site performance and carry out independent site assessments.

GEO’s Sustainability Mission is based on its corporate know-how, making use of the natural sciences and innovative technologies at our disposal to protect and maintain the health of all living creatures and the environment in which all live. Read more here about GEO's Sustainability Policy.

Every year, GEO holds a SAFE conference for all plant safety and environmental managers along with GEO’s management team and various GEO board members. During this conference, EH&S improvements are shared, site managers are recognized for safety performance accomplishments as defined by the S.A.F.E. (Safety Award for Excellence) program criteria, and awards are presented for special environmental improvement projects.

GEO Environment, Health & Safety Team (L to R): Mike Cross – Hythe – Safety Manager; Louis Graham – Ambler – Chief Safety Officer; Charita Redding – Director of Safety; Mario Saenz – Deer Park – Safety and Security Manager; Kurt Fritzinger – Allentown – Safety Manager; David Fulop – Cedartown – Safety Manager. Not Pictured: Ken Ghazey – CEO; Robby Bridges – Bastrop – Safety Manager


The GEO Safety Award for Excellence (S.A.F.E.) process encourages safe working practices, improves safety awareness among employees and awards individuals and operating locations for their accomplishments in safety management. 

GEO sites are then recognized for achieving individual facility criteria, having all employees at the site achieve their criteria and showing total injury frequency (TIFR) improvement over the prior three-year average.

2015 Annual Environmental Award Winners

2014 Annual Environmental Award Winners